Rick and Morty forever and forever 100 years! 这也太好看了瑞克=爱因斯坦+哆啦A梦脑洞很大天马行空奇思妙想思想前卫(人狗地位互换)发人深省CRAZY AND CHAOS又温情满满欧美午夜性春猛交XXXX还有很多经典电影元素:盗梦空间侏罗纪公园泰坦尼克号Jerry&Beth:在另一个平行世界里我依然会与你相爱太浪漫了
Season 3 looks more consistent than S1 and S2. Episode 1 is not the only valuable one in whole season. The following episodes are pretty decent as well. Every detail about the choices that different figures made in such an end of world is impressive and worth to watch.