从野花香视频在线观看免费高清版开始就虚实交替了情绪及情节莫名其妙结尾却推向无声的高潮突然觉得自己愚蠢至极看完全片印象最深的一句竟然是i wish i have tons of money, then i'd be free接着男主的朋友指着书上的浪子肖像说了一句free to do what? free like him?哈哈哈我也想在daydream的时候被狠狠打脸
Sadly in this one, Gimli and Legolas barely spoke a word. Sam became so brave and I finally recalled why I liked hime so. Frodo on the other hand is not a character to be loved (and Bilbao in the hobbit is more adorable, a bit like Pippin and Merry).