"Quand on parlait, je parlais de moi, et toi de toi. Alors que tu aurais dû parler de moi, et moi de toi." 當我們談話時我們都是自說自話
这部也太好看了吧昨天一口气看了三集看 THIS IS MJ看多了以为室毅就是搞笑专业户结果演这种角色也毫无违和感啊TODA也是厉害搭配起来如此有CP感1819岁MACBOOKPRO高清最新版简直要陷入恋爱了第二话最后围着小桌男主哄女主开心真的好感人我跟TODA同步破涕为笑真是有段时间没因为看电视剧流泪了
the very act of gleaning as an fundamental act of human being,especially considering the act of "gleaning" images with digital media. All of these things being gleaned could be trash. film? interface?