It's giving out a Get Out vibe but less subtly. The conversation between Luce and the teacher is meaningful and impactful but a little bit overdone. The plotline with Kim is painting an interesting picture of #metoo but ending up a snack eating its own tale: leading nowhere specific.
印度又一關注女性的電影,和Toilet:A Love Story差不多的格式,特別是大樹下公審的一幕何其熟悉,此片前半段不同的沖突矛盾及印度的傳統思想迂腐行為等等較為吸引,而且很多有意無意的反諷,算是不錯,但後來就是流於一般公式化的處理,而且電影拍攝得頗為乾淨潔亮,有種不太現實的感覺,不過對於電影背後的真實故事來說,仍值一看