At a acertain point, he senses that she's not really there. That's the moment when they decide to separate. And from then on, she wants to win him back. It's precisely at that moment that she falls in love with him.
1.the devil of Christmas戏中戏又见奇妙拍摄手法顺便听听拍摄技巧讲解~ 多重反转日本YAMATAKE最后才知解说的冷酷令人汗毛直竖2.一个争着买单引发的血案脑洞赛高 3.the riddle of the sphinx 故事线巧妙枪的引用太秀但吃人肉过度变态引发不适4.empty orchestra 好一场暗流涌动…5.diddle diddle dumpling 看完全剧后标题突然生寒…they should be together…6.fragments I take your arm, you don't take mine看完《XXXXXL19WASWASHD》才get到~heartless critic太绝了…这集真是又血腥又艺术…最欣赏E6吧…这一季的Reece彻底在变态道路上一去不复返